NLA launches charter for govt documents protection


The National Library and Archives (NLA) has launched the Charter for Government Documents Protection to safeguard valuable archival assets and protect them from negligence, leakage, or loss. The charter also seeks to highlight the importance of preserving digital documents across government entities.
Following its launch, the NLA circulated the charter to undersecretaries of ministries, assistant undersecretaries, and general directors within ministries, authorities, councils, and institutions that hold valuable archival assets. The charter aims to ensure the commitment to preserving documents, information, and the confidentiality of data accessed.
The charter highlights the importance of maintaining document confidentiality, prohibiting their removal from state control, ensuring the transfer of documents to the employer upon transfer, delegation, or termination of service. It also mandates that no documents be destroyed without the NLA’s approval.
Additionally, it stipulates that digital documents must be stored within the electronic system, all while adhering to the provisions of Federal Law No. 7 of 2008 concerning the NLA.
His Excellency Abdullah Majed Al Ali, Director General of the NLA, said: “The government agencies’ archives represent a national responsibility. From this perspective, the NLA plays a crucial role in preserving the national trust by maintaining historical documents related to the UAE and the Gulf region in suitable conditions aligned with the highest standards and the latest technologies, as they constitute an essential part of the UAE’s history.”
His Excellency emphasised that the NLA is committed to ensuring the long-term preservation of historical documents and records in both physical and digital formats by utilising the latest technologies. It will continue to act as a guardian of historical documents. He pointed out that the NLA’s involvement in the preservation process begins only after the third phase of a document’s lifecycle, once its significance has been established and the decision has been made to transition it to permanent preservation.
His Excellency stated that the Charter for Government Documents Protection validates the NLA’s dedication to safeguarding the memory of the nation. He affirmed that the NLA is optimistic that the charter provisions will garner the attention of government entities, enabling a collaborative effort to preserve, provide access to, and maintain the state’s documentary and archival heritage for future generations.
He emphasised that this commitment stems from recognising the importance of documents and archives as invaluable national treasures, as each document plays a crucial role in chronicling our past events or documenting our current circumstances, necessitating their preservation for posterity. The NLA is also leveraging artificial intelligence and its applications in this domain.
The charter highlights the significance of treating documents and public information as valuable assets due to their irreplaceable nature. The charter emphasises the importance of implementing established policies and procedures to manage documents held by employees or officials. The relevant provision urges each entity to create its own policy, from which operational procedures will emerge. These procedures may include the inventory of documents and the plan for their preservation and destruction.
His Excellency pointed out the critical need to protect documents held by custodians and the importance of promptly reporting any damage or threats to them. This allows for timely intervention and restoration before destruction occurs.

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