Training centres welcome 6th batch of National Service recruits


Abu Dhabi / WAM

The training centres of the UAE Armed Forces’ General Command have welcomed the national service recruits’ sixth batch that graduated from the secondary school for the academic year 2015-2016.
Major-General Pilot Sheikh Ahmad bin Tahnoun bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the National and Reserve Service Authority, expressed his pride in this group of young Emiratis who answered the call of duty and joined the battlefield for honour, dignity and heroism. The enthusiasm they showed, he added, confirmed their sincere loyalty and love for their homeland and its leadership.
”Apart from building capacities of those young men militarily and physically and training them to carry weapons to defend themselves and families, and protect their nation’s gains in times of peace and war, the National Service also develops and builds minds through a series of informative religious, security and patriotic lectures that heighten their awareness about and makes them immune to extremist and destructive ideologies, which are being spread in the region as a result of certain political and security

The first phase of the four-month training programme will help the recruits to adapt to the military life through extensive training regarding physical fitness, handling and use of weapons, discipline, leadership skills and national values. The technical training phase will see the recruits engage in certain professions that serve the armed forces.

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