‘Simplicity technology’s greatest advance’


Dubai / Emirates Business

Don’t miss out on experiencing life-changing technologies and first-in-the-region innovations at du’s stand this GITEX Technology Week, 2016. Staying true to the theme ‘simplicity is technology’s greatest advance’, demonstrations at du’s stand this year will feature simple innovation that will enhance the happiness of UAE citizens. Visitors will also be able to witness how du, the strategic partner of Smart Dubai, is bringing the Smart Dubai Platform – the nerve centre for Dubai – to life.
The UAE leadership has envisioned Dubai as the happiest city on earth; to support this vision, du is forging a path for a simplified life in the Smart City of tomorrow today. Utilising its position as a leader in the information and communications technology (ICT) sphere, du is delivering technologies that touch every aspect of daily life and streamline the way businesses and society operate to enhance the happiness quotient of the entire country with digital innovations.
“Today’s digital transformation is becoming more rapidly disruptive than ever before and is shaping new ways of life. In light of this, citizens are choosing to use digital innovation to ensure a safer, healthier and more fulfilling way of life for themselves and their children. Governments and cities are harnessing the power of big data to better protect, develop, plan and thus better address the future needs of its citizenry. At this year’s GITEX we are driving the smart future agenda with new-to-market innovation that will interconnect this journey to life in the smart city, a journey that is incredibly exciting for all,” said Osman Sultan, Chief Executive Officer, du.
During GITEX 2016, du is addressing the needs of its individual, enterprise and government customers by delivering smart and impactful technologies to meet their requirements in a simple and efficient manner. As such, the telco is going beyond bringing individual smart technologies to championing public private partnerships and delivering simple solutions that make every experience more effective in the smart society of tomorrow, today.
“GITEX Technology Week 2016 is a confluence of technological innovation, bringing tomorrow’s vision of a smart future to life today,” added Sultan.

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