Israeli Arabs urge general strike after house demolitions

  JERUSALEM / AP Israeli Arab leaders have called for a general strike in all their towns and villages in response to the demolition of 11 homes without proper permits by Israeli authorities. Lawmaker Yousef Jabareen on Wednesday called the demolition in the central city of Kalansua “unprecedented” and vowed to fight further measures. He said the source of the ...

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Norway defends treatment of mass murderer in court plea

  SKIEN / AP A government attorney says that Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a bomb-and-shooting rampage, is in touch with fellow right-wing extremists from behind bars and must to be held in solitary confinement. During a government appeal against a court ruling last year that Breivik’s isolation in prison violates his human rights, ...

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Ugandan leader seen preparing successor as son named adviser

  Bloomberg Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s appointment of his son as a senior adviser may be a move to stem dissent in the governing party and prepare a successor to his 30-year rule. Museveni, who secured a fifth term in a 2016 vote, named Muhoozi Kainerugaba, the 42-year-old head of an elite military group, as his adviser for special operations. ...

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UN envoy: Cyprus unification talks ‘on track’

  GENEVA / AP Talks to reunify long-divided Cyprus are on track to overcome major obstacles that have stood in the way of a peace accord for decades, the United Nations envoy for Cyprus said on Wednesday. But an immediate deal won’t be in the offing since important legal and technical details will have to be sorted out before an ...

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Turkey arrests 60 businessmen for alleged Gulen links

  ISTANBUL / AP Turkey’s state-run news agency says that 60 businessmen have been arrested for suspected ties to the movement allegedly responsible for the failed coup in July. Anadolu says that 110 businessmen were brought before an Istanbul court Wednesday to be formally arrested on charges of “membership in a terrorist organization.” Fifty of them were given conditional release, ...

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China says committed to peace, stability in Asia

  BEIJING / AP China said on Wednesday it was committed to promoting peace and stability in Asia, even as it sent an aircraft carrier battle group through the Taiwan Strait amid heightened tensions between Beijing and the self-ruled island. The statement in the preface to a Cabinet report on China’s policies on Asia-Pacific security cooperation follows heated criticism from ...

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Adding jobs would be a steep climb for Trump

  Donald Trump wants to be a great jobs president. But the forces that really affect employment are beyond his control — and they are working against him. Over the long run, when it comes to job growth, demographics is destiny. The Reagan and Clinton presidencies, so strong economically, coincided with the baby boomer generation being in its peak years. ...

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Snapchat’s great British adventure

  Evan Spiegel, Snap. Inc.’s founder, has used his knack for sensing the zeitgeist to make Snapchat a hit among young people and entirely baffling to anyone over 30. The 26-year old has detected another trend as he plots Snap’s global expansion: lower tolerance for aggressive tax planning in Europe. Snap is setting up its European headquarters in London, which ...

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How to deal with Trump’s cabinet

  Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says President-elect Donald Trump’s cabinet nominees ‘need a thorough vetting.’ He’s right, but exactly what he and his colleagues mean by that won’t be clear until the Senate’s confirmation process begins this week. So here’s a suggestion: Its hearings will best serve the public interest by striving to clarify, not politicize. The constitutional requirement ...

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Park scandal hampers Samsung’s Lee succession plan

  Samsung is getting sucked further into the vortex of South Korea’s influence-peddling scandal. Special prosecutors summoned Jay Y Lee, Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman, for questioning as a suspect in the bribery investigation. The scandal has already led to the impeachment of South Korea President Park Guen-hye. The questioning of the two top guys at Samsung Group had given the ...

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