Norway’s DNB closes Oslo trading floor


DNB ASA, Norway’s biggest bank, has closed the trading floor of its Oslo headquarters after registering a coronavirus case among its employees.
The bank was made aware of the infection of an employee working in DNB Markets. The person is in a “good condition under the circumstances,” spokesman Even Westerveld said. DNB has resorted to “extensive use” of home offices and restrictions on trips and meetings, he said.
The bank expects there will be people back on the trading floor around 2 pm, Westerveld said in an email. The bank has utilized reserve locations in Oslo, such that it is able to operate more or less as normal, he said.
Norway updated its tally of confirmed cases of new coronavirus to 621 from 489, the head of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health told news agency NTB.
The Nordic country announced that it will ban all indoor events with more than 500 people and bar people from the most affected areas from entering its territory.

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