Iraqi PM rejects Turkish claim in Mosul

Iraqi army soldiers drive through the city of Kirkuk on October 10, 2016 as they head to the frontline in preparation for the battle to retake the city of Mosul.  The battle to retake the Iraqi city of Mosul from jihadists could unleash a major humanitarian crisis, potentially pushing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes as winter sets in. Mosul, the country's second city, was seized by the Islamic State group in 2014, and is now the last major population centre still held by the jihadists, who have lost much of the territory they seized two years ago  / AFP PHOTO / Marwan IBRAHIM



Tensions between Turkey and Iraq continued to escalate on Wednesday as Iraq’s prime minister rejected Turkish claims that their forces must be included in an operation to retake the militant-held city of Mosul.
“We will liberate our land through the determination of our men and not by video calls,” Haider Al Abadi said on his Twitter account, mocking the Turkish president’s nationally broadcast video call to a TV journalist amid a failed coup attempt in July.
Turkey-Iraq relations became strained after Ankara sent troops late last year to the region of Bashiqa, northeast of Mosul, to train anti-IS extremists there — a move Baghdad has since labeled a “blatant violation” of its sovereignty. Iraq has demanded a Turkish withdrawal, but Ankara has
repeatedly ignored the call.
Iraq’s powerful Shiite militias — one of the many groups expected to take part in the fight to retake Mosul, have also called for an immediate withdrawal of Turkish troops.
“We did not and will not allow the Turkish forces to violate Iraq’s sovereignty,” said Hadi al-Amiri, the leader of the Badr Brigade, one of the most prominent Shiite militia groups. “We affirm, the Turks must withdraw their forces and if they insist on staying, they have no one to blame but themselves. The arrogance and vanity that we hear today in Erdogan’s language, he will not only regret it but he will actually see it.”
In Beirut, the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah said the operation to retake Mosul risks pushing IS extremists into eastern Syria, calling that an America ploy of which the Iraqis should be wary.
He called on Iraqi leaders, including Shiite militias, to kill and imprison IS extremists, denying them an escape route to Syria. Their presence in Syria, he said, will be a continuous threat to Iraq.
The operation to retake Mosul is expected to be the most complex yet for Iraqi forces backed by US-led coalition air-power.

Iraq’s military is still rebuilding after nearly a third of its forces disintegrated when Mosul first fell to IS more than two years ago. Since then the extremists have been pushed from more than half of the territory they once held in Iraq, according to figures released by al-Abadi’s office.
In Beirut, the leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah said the operation to retake Mosul risks pushing IS extremists into eastern Syria, calling that an America ploy of which the Iraqis should be wary.
Speaking Wednesday to a crowd during a religious ceremony south of Beirut, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, whose group is fighting in Syria alongside government forces, said “this American deception will put your victory in Mosul to waste.”
He called on Iraqi leaders, including Shiite militias, to kill and imprison IS militants, denying them an escape route to Syria. Their presence in Syria, he said, will be a continuous threat to Iraq.

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