Taipei / DPA
Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism announced ambitious plans to boost the number of inbound Taiwanese travellers in 2016.
The goal, unveiled during an industry event in Taipei, is to attract 275,000 Taiwanese visitors by the end of the year. Taiwan is already a growing source of travellers for the Southeast Asian country, with the number of Taiwanese visitors increasing by 1.4 per cent last year to 203,000 people.
Visa-free entry for Taiwan nationals, announced last October, is also expected to boost tourist numbers.
The ministry’s director of Asia Pacific
Promotion Vinsensius Jemadu said Taiwanese enjoy travelling to beaches, with Bali
continuing to rank as the top choice among destinations.
However, Jemadu stressed this year the ministry had declared 10 major destinations that it aims to market heavily to foreign travellers. Aside from Bali, the list includes Tanjung Lesung, Tanjung Kelayang, Thousand Islands, Mandalika, Labuan Bajo, Waka tobi and Morotai. Visitors could plan their travels based on the country’s designated entry points in Bali, Jakarta and Batam.
The official said Indonesian spas, haute cuisine and shopping have also been popular among previous Taiwanese visitors.
The Indonesian government plans to kick off promotion campaigns in crowded areas in Taiwan to directly reach out to local people. The two promotions will take place in the coming August and November.
Taiwan is very important for Indonesia, we want to be more aggressive in the Taiwan market,” said Jemadu.
Head of the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei Arief Fadillah said he feels that the market in Taiwan is slowing down and the portion of Taiwanese that choose to go to Indonesia continues to be small compared to other countries.
The tourism industry event organised by the Indonesian government will take place between April 11 and 13, in both Taichung and Taipei City. One of the highlights of the three-day event will be a table top business meeting, during which 150 of Taiwan’s travel companies will meet with 21 Indonesian firms, according to organisers.