Dubai Courts’ ‘Shoor’ joins UAE volunteer platform


The Ministry of Community Development has announced that the Dubai Courts’ Volunteer Lawyers Programme for Legal Consultants ‘Shoor’ has joined its UAE Volunteer Platform ( programme is the first of its kind in the region and opens up new volunteer opportunities for lawyers.
Shoor was designed by Dubai Courts, along with law firms across the Emirate of Dubai in order to promote volunteer work, provide free legal counsel on various cases and claims, highlight the role of courts and advocates in community service, and strengthen the partnership betweencourts and law firms in spreading legal awareness in
the community.
Shoor provided 791 free legal consultation services in 2016, with an estimated value of AED2.373 million. By joining
the UAE Volunteer Platform, Shoor will broaden its scope in terms of target sectors for volunteering to help all members
and categories of the community, as well as to add new opportunities for its members to develop their skills as they exchange knowledge and expertise with various institutions.

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