DHA’s new initiative to boost employee creativity and drive



Dubai / WAM

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) on Saturday announced the launch of an internal programme which aims to motivate employees, encourage them to reach their potential, and join the authority’s drive in creating a first class medical system in Dubai.
Through the ‘Bekom Naftakher’, or ‘You’re our Pride’ initiative, employees who excel in demonstrating creativity and in making a notable difference in their work environment and the authority as a whole, will be chosen to represent DHA in the programme’s competitions. The programme competition will see awards presented for a number of achievements, including career and administrative excellence, scientific achievement, research, international accreditation, and an award for best suggestion.
Humaid Al Qatami, Chairman of the Board and Director General of DHA, said the programme was created with the aim of encouraging innovation, spreading the culture of creativity, and providing an opportunity to join the authority in its developmental drive.

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