‘Books for All’ programme to foster culture of reading



Dubai / WAM

Dubai Holding, the global investment holding company, has launched its ‘Books for All’ programme, an initiative that aims to provide greater access to books for residents across the UAE.
Launched in collaboration with Amal Education, the programme is aligned with the Reading Nation campaign, which was launched earlier this year as part of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, with the aim to make books more accessible.
Pop-up library shelves stocked with a variety of books have been installed in prominent public spaces across the Emirate. Readers are encouraged to borrow, donate, and freely swap books through the programme, and discover the joy of reading. By facilitating easy access to books for Dubai residents, Dubai Holding aims to foster a culture of reading across the UAE.
Ahmad Bin Byat, Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Dubai Holding, said: “Aligned with the objectives of the Reading Nation campaign, we are very pleased to contribute to a culture in the UAE that values the impact of the written word. Dubai Holding has long been committed to social and economic development through education. Reading has the ability to empower communities by increasing knowledge, encouraging readers to discover new ideas, while gaining fresh insights and perspectives of the world.”
These community libraries are located across various communities within Dubai Holding portfolio.
This initiative follows Dubai Holding’s announcement earlier this year of its strategic partnership with Dubai Cares, part of Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, to improve children’s access to quality education in underprivileged communities around the world and the UAE.
Through this partnership, Dubai Holding has adopted specific educational programmes designed to help children go to school in economically challenged and underserved communities in Senegal, Nepal and the UAE.

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