Bangladesh set to hang extremist leader


Dhaka / AFP

Security was tightened in a Bangladesh southern city on Sunday ahead of the expected execution of a senior extremist whose group has been linked to the murder of foreign hostages, police said.
Asadul Islam, a leader of the Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) who is also known as Arif, is due to hang in Khulna after the Supreme Court upheld his death sentence in August for blasts that killed two lower court judges in 2005.
Bangladesh has blamed the JMB for the July 1 attack on an upmarket Dhaka restaurant in which 22 people, mostly foreign hostages, were killed.
Security forces have since launched a deadly crackdown against extremists linked to the attack, shooting dead nearly 40 people including its new leader Tamim Chowdhury, a Canadian citizen of Bangladesh descent. After the attacks, courts have also fast-tracked prosecution of the Islamists. Scores of them were already facing death sentences.
“The tentative time of his hanging is 10.30 pm (1630 GMT). We’ve stepped up security all over the city,” Khulna Police Commissioner Nibhas Chandra Majhi said. Majihi said hundreds of police and the elite Rapid Action Battalion have been deployed in Khulna, the country’s third largest city, to prevent any violence.
In August, just weeks after the cafe attack, Bangladesh’s highest court led by the chief justice dismissed Arif’s final appeal, clearing the way for his execution.
Arif later refused to seek presidential clemency, paving the way for his hanging later on Sunday, said a prison official of the jail where the Islamist was set to be executed.

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