Abu Dhabi revamps guidelines for world-class public realms

UPC enhances guidelines for Abu Dhabi public realms (1) copy

ABU DHABI / Emirates Business

The Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) has launched its revamped Public Realm Design Manual (PRDM) to ensure people living in the Emirate have convenient access to community facilities, such as parks and waterfronts.
The PRDM – originally commissioned in 2011 to guide the development of a world-class public realm – is used by municipalities, agencies, designers and developers, as a valuable planning tool to ensure the creation of sufficient numbers of public spaces.
It establishes a clear and consistent design, review and approval process, and provides a comprehensive guide with recommendations for its implementation. The effective tool is also used by the UPC when assessing all new proposals and retrofitting in existing developments.
The public realm comprises of a variety of streets and open spaces that are open to residents and visitors. One of the PRDM’s objectives is to ensure there is a maximum distance of 350m to the nearest Public Open Space (POS). These elements can include parks, sports facilities, accessible waterfronts and playgrounds.
In line with the Abu Dhabi Plan, the enhanced version of the manual assimilates the latest and most relevant practices from across the world, to ensure the Emirate maintains its position as a globally renowned destination.
Abdulla Al Sahi, Executive Director, Planning and Infrastructure, of the UPC said, “There have been huge developments across the Emirate since the first manual was introduced in 2011 and this was recently demonstrated by Abu Dhabi being rated in the Ipsos Top Cities Index* as the second-best city in the world to live and work in.
“While that is something to be extremely proud of, this recognition has also strengthened our commitment towards continual enhancements and evolution to ensure we are leading the way in urban planning.
“This is only possible through properly understanding, devising and implementing universal best practices in the field, which is the reason this latest version of the manual has been launched. The systematic use of PRDM-2.0 will ensure the facilities provided are inviting to residents and tourists alike, while reflecting the unique identity of our Emirate.”
The new version has introduced and redefined a number of criteria, including the level of service provision, categories of public realm, hierarchies, typologies and design elements, as well as user identification.

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