UAE among world’s most profitable destinations


Dubai / WAM

The UAE announced on Monday the results of the economic indicators that chart the nation’s accomplishments in foreign investment, innovation and entrepreneurship, development, competitiveness and the per capita gross national product (GNP), which reflect the UAE 2021 Vision to become among the best countries in the world during its 50th anniversary.
The ratio of net foreign direct investment is based on the annual report of UNCTAD. The indicator rose from 2.66% in 2014 to 2.96% in 2015.
According to the report, foreign cumulative investment of more than US$100 billion in 2014 rose to US$111 billion in 2015, placing the country among the most profitable and attractive destinations for trade and investment in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.
The competitiveness indicator is published on an annual basis as a part of the Economic Forum Report and covers 138 countries. The assessment is based on information and statistics
issued by participating countries, in addition to surveys on views of top executives and investors. The UAE topped Arab countries in the 2016-2017 report, and moved from 17th to 16th position in the 2015-2016 period.
As seen in the sub-indicators, the UAE was among the first 20 countries listed in 76 out of 114 indicators. UAE also occupied the first position in the indicator “Absence of crime and violence in business”, and the second position in “People’s confidence in the leadership”, along with the indicator “Lack of wasteful
government spending”.
Concerning infrastructure, the UAE occupied the first position internationally in the “Quality of roads” indicator, and second position in “Airports and airlines infrastructure quality”.
UAE also occupied an advanced position among 15 countries throughout the world in 5 of the 10 indicators covered by the reports. It occupies the first position in ease of paying taxes, fourth in the ease of obtaining construction permits and ease of connecting electricity, ninth in the protection of minor investors and 11th in the ease of registration of properties.

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