Khalifa Port: 8.6mn man hours without lost time incident

Abu Dhabi / WAM

Khalifa Port has surpassed 8.6 million continuous manpower hours since the last Lost Time Incident (LTI), in August 2015.
Under the guidance of Abu Dhabi Ports, the master developer, operator and manager of commercial and community ports within the emirate of Abu Dhabi, Khalifa Port has become a beacon for health and safety best practices in the region.
Since the start of operations at Khalifa Port in 2012, Abu Dhabi Ports has targeted reducing lost time due to incidents at the facility. An LTI consists of a recordable incident in which an employee is not able to return to work on the day or shift following an incident that occurred in the workplace.
Recognising the need to reduce the number of incidents and minimise lost productivity, Abu Dhabi Ports put measures in place that have resulted in the port recording 8,677,433 consecutive man-hours without incident.
In 2017 alone, 42,544 hours were dedicated to training staff to help keep them safe and the port fully operational that is over a thousand working weeks dedicated to health and safety initiatives.
Beyond Khalifa Port, Abu Dhabi Ports has delivered a similar reduction in LTIs across its operating units. Since 2014, Abu Dhabi Ports has reduced its overall LTI frequency rate by 86 percent from 1.43 to 0.19.

Commenting on the announcement, Naser AlBusaeedi, Khalifa Port Terminal Manager, said, “Our achievement of eight million man-hours without an LTI needs to be credited to the commitment of the men and women who work at the port and adhere to our health and safety practices every day. At Khalifa Port, we strive to meet the highest standard of performance in all avenues and the safety of our employees is a top priority.”
We have worked hard to put measures in place to protect their welfare and are always looking to evaluate our operations and to introduce new safety procedures wherever possible.”

In 2017 alone, 42,544 hours were dedicated to training staff to help keep them safe and the port fully operational that is over a thousand working weeks dedicated to health and safety initiatives.

Beyond Khalifa Port, Abu Dhabi Ports has delivered a similar reduction in LTIs across its operating units. Since 2014, Abu Dhabi Ports has reduced its overall LTI frequency rate by 86 percent from 1.43 to 0.19.

Mohammed Al Tamimi VP – Security and HSE, Ports at Abu Dhabi Ports, said, “We are incredibly proud of the results we have earned at Khalifa Port. We are proud to say that in nearly half the time we have been operating the Port, not a single LTI has disrupted the day-to-day operations. What we have put in place in Khalifa Port is also helping our other facilities to become cleaner, safer and more productive. However, we must always be vigilant to ensure this record continues, and we must continually challenge ourselves to always be mindful of potential risks.”

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